You can choose between many types of accommodation at Randbøldal Camping – Nearby attractions – close to Vejle and Kolding


Here you will find practical information about conditions at the campsite, activities and attractions


Here you will find information about experiences and attractions that you will find nearby Randbøldal Camping


Our Global Goals

We want to contribute to a greener world

It is important for us to

That’s why we work with five Sustainable Development Goals

Clean water & sanitation

The site focuses on saving water. The site is working to reduce groundwater pollution.

Sustainable energy

The site has set energy targets to reduce its energy consumption. The site focuses on using sustainable energy.

Responsible consumption & production

The site has a waste plan for sorting and recycling. The site sorts and manages environmentally hazardous waste safely.

Climate action

The site has developed an environmental plan to reduce its environmental impact. The site has set concrete and manageable environmental objectives.

Life on land

The site does not use environmentally harmful
herbicides. The site is actively promoting biodiversity and protecting nature.

We are working on the SDGs

because every little drop makes a big difference

Our DNA is great vacation experiences in close contact with nature – water, forest and lots of fresh air.
At Randbøldal Camping we never forget the cozy atmosphere. We have high ceilings and we accommodate Danish and foreign guests who choose a campsite where we are back to what camping is all about, from our point of view. Therefore, working on the sustainable transition is a natural journey for us. We are not there yet. We probably never will. But we are off to a good start!

We want to develop into a certified sustainable campsite
We have been living in harmony with our guests on our campsite for almost 30 years. This alone leads to a particular way of life, which is all about adapting to the environment and making the best use of resources. We want to contribute to making the world a better place for all of us. That’s why we have a personal, sincere wish and desire to work towards becoming a certified sustainable campsite. We have started our journey and in the close contact with our guests, we can and will together develop the concept of “being a green camper at Randbøldal Camping”, where we continuously gather knowledge, develop and work towards a sustainable goal.


Our Green WHY, Green vision and DNA

More than just talk

Randbøldal Camping is located in the heart of Denmark’s most beautiful nature and this is reflected in the way we run our campsite. Our unique location in the middle of an exceptional nature is the basis of our work towards becoming a certified sustainable campsite through the Green Stay certification.

We are committed to preserving our own beautiful spot and contributing to a greener world. We are driven by the nature around us.

Our work towards becoming Green Stay certified means that our guests encounter a campsite where we’ve thought things through. It is important for us that our guests can easily contribute to the green transition. We have therefore made some choices in advance, just as we give our guests some obvious opportunities to act as sustainably as possible – even if you are on vacation and it should be easy.

We work with five Sustainable Development Goals:

  • SDG 6, Clean water and sanitation
  • SDG 7, Sustainable Energy
  • SDG 12, Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13, Climate action and
  • SDG 15, Life on Land

Based on the 5 world goals, we have worked both with practical, sustainable efforts but also with a focus on the experience with us. This means that you as a guest will be able to sense and feel how the various initiatives have been implemented throughout the site, and we hope that we may also be able to contribute with small eye-openers for both adults and children. We have also launched new activities and collaborations with local actors, all focusing on sustainable transition. We don’t make it advanced! Quite the contrary.

Our first step on our sustainable journey: the SMW-Green pathway

To get here, we have worked with competent advisors and completed a course in 2022/2023 SMW:Green, which is part of the Enterprise Program, where we developed a new communication platform that matches our current sustainable starting point. We continue to work on these developments and more will be added on an ongoing basis, including our commitment to Green-Stay certification.

What do you feel when you see our logo?

We love our logo!

The logo embraces all the elements that Randbøldal Camping is.

Our little organic heart illustrates that there is room for diversity, where things don’t always have to be so tight. The soft arches of the heart represent the beautiful hills of the valley, with the campsite located in the valley’s heart. At the same time, the 3 small dots over the heart symbolize the family that is always at the forefront and the wonderful memories we have with our loved ones.

At Randbøldal Camping we are a family owned campsite and we love to have a playful and light approach to daily life. Our logo with its soft, warm and playful expression emphasizes just that – while we hope that you can feel our concern for nature and the environment, which is a natural part of the whole experience as a guest with us.

Welcome to Randbøldal Camping – for wonderful vacation experiences in nature