Booking confirmation
Online booking
When you have booked a stay via our online booking system, which can be found at www.randboldalcamping.dk, you will immediately receive a booking confirmation. We ask you to read this thoroughly. It is your responsibility as a guest that the confirmation matches your wishes.
Manual booking
When you have booked a stay by phone or personal inquiry, we will make a booking on your behalf and based on the information you provide. After the booking is registered, you will receive a booking confirmation. We ask you to read this thoroughly. It is your responsibility as a guest that the confirmation matches your wishes.
Pricing policy
All prices on Randbøldal Camping’s website and by personal inquiry are quoted in Danish Kroner (DKK) and includes Danish VAT, unless otherwise stated and clear in that situation.
Payment terms
When booking via our online system or by personal inquiry we are entitled to ask you for your credit card information for automatic payment for your stay.
Business payment cards issued inside or outside the EU/EØS and personal payment credit cards issued outside EU/EØS are subjected to a fee, which will appear from your receipt.The fee will depend on the type of credit card and the place it is issued.
For bookings via our online booking system or personal inquiry we reserve the right to withdraw half of the total price for your stay.
For bookings via our online booking system or personal inquiry made later than 30 days before arrival, we reserve the right to withdraw the total price for your stay.
Cancellation of booked stay
You have the right to cancel your booking up to 14 days before time of arrival, however we do charge an administrations fee of 250 DKK.
We reserve our rights to charge half of the total price for your stay when cancellation is made later than 14 days before time of arrival.
When cancellations are made later than one week before time of arrival (Until 12 pm), the right to get your money back forfeits. However, if you have booked directly with us by telephone, by email or via our own online booking system, you will be given the option to move your booking to another period within the same year before 31.12. If the reservation is moved to a more expensive period, the difference is charged, whereas if the reservation is moved to a cheaper period, the difference is not refunded. No refund if shortening of reservation/earlier departure than booked.
Cancellations only in writing to info@randboldalcamping.dk
Registration of information
Randbøldal Camping ApS register your name, your address, your email address and other information in connection with the acquisition in its customer list. Information is not divulged, but Randbøldal Camping registration is kept for 5 years. We register your information in order to complete your booking. Your data is only stored in our booking system and in our accounting system. Both with coded access.
We will not disclose your data to third parties unless you have given your explicit consent.
In accordance with accounting legislation, we keep your data for 5 years, after which it is deleted.
As a guest at Randbøldal Camping ApS, you have the right to demand that your data be deleted at any time. Unless there are legal requirements that prevent this. If you wish to have your data deleted, you can do so by contacting us directly with your request.
When paying by credit card the registration happens via a secure server where the information is encrypted before being sent over the Internet.
If you for some reason do not receive your confirmation confirming your purchase, and you have not received an error message from the system, you can write to the following email address: info@randboldalcamping.dk.
Complaints about the booking process or the booking must be done within a reasonable time after you discovered the defect or should have discovered the error by looking through your information. Complaints must be submitted in writing.
Complaints about the product (stay) must be done within 12 hours from your time of arrival, so Randbøldal Camping ApS can address the problem.
When Randbøldal Camping ApS recives a complaint about a product, the complaint will be processed as soon as possible. Randbøldal Camping ApS will decide whether the goods received to be refund, exchanged or whether to compensate.
Lost and found
Lost items are kept for 30 days from departure. After the 30 days, items will be giving to second hand shops. It is the guest’s responsibility to contact us regarding lost items. If we are going to send the lost items, the guest must pay for shipping costs.
Tlf.: 0045 7588 3575
Bank: Reg Nr. 9815 konto: 4567 078782