Right to be lazy!
– Extend your vacation and save
There are so many exciting activities in our area, and the days go by quickly if you want to experience them all – and you should, of course. But a vacation isn’t just about rushing from one activity to the next, so remember to take the time to relax and enjoy the moment.
That’s why we offer a generous discount if you book 7 nights, so you can allow yourselves a day to just relax on the terrace or by our lovely bathing lake, while the children have fun and use up their last energy on our playground.
Hurry up and book your vacation to enjoy an extra real “lazy and cozy day”. You’re allowed to do that at Randbøldal Camping!
Discount for stays of 7 nights during the period
May 4th to September 15th – kr. 1,000,-*
Discount for stays of 7 nights
for the rest of the year – kr. 800,-*
*Applies to stays in cabins, mobile homes, and apartments.
Our logo: Our small organic heart illustrates that there is room for differences here, where things don’t always have to be so strict. The soft curves of the heart represent the beautiful hills of the valley with the campsite located in the valley’s heart. At the same time, the 3 small dots above the heart symbolize the family, which is always in focus, and the wonderful memories we have with those we love.



Mobile homes
What our guests say

"1000 tak for en skøn uge her på jeres skønne plads.
Vi har haft ok vejr og som samtidigt nydt jeres gæstfrihed. Vi håber, at vi ses igen i fremtiden."

"Tak for husly under regnvejret. Det er et rigtigt skønt sted herude. Vi kommer igen!"

"Kære Danuta og Ejgil.
På vegne af Team OGF Cykling, Odense vil vi gerne sige tak for opholdet hos jer.
Jeres mobil home’s fik stor ros fra deltagerne og bespisningen samt betjeningen kunne der heller ikke sættes nogen finger på. Så hils også jeres søde personale."

"Vi boede der i forbindelse med vandringen af kyst-til-kyst-ruten, og vi følte os godt forkælet da vi gik derfra. Smuk og stemningsfuld plads med venligt personale. Jeg fortæller alle jeg kender, at hvis man vil på camping med hygge og højt til himlen, så er Randbøldal stedet"

"Vi vil gerne sige mange tak for opholdet hos jer. Det var en rigtig god og hyggelig oplevelse. En campingplads, der skiller sig ud fra mange andre pladser, med den hyggelige atmosfære, fantastisk hjælpsomme ejere og personale og en unik beliggenhed mellem bakkerne ved Vejle å"

"Kære campingplads
Mange tak for opholdet i 8 dage. Det har været en dejlig oplevelse, søde campister og personale. Vi kan kun anbefale at tage ophold her hos jer"

"Thanks for the beautyful place and your friendly velcome, for only one day. It´s very nice her"

Rent a bike




Company agreements


Cycling holidays or just great bike rides in the beautiful countryside
If you don’t have your own bikes, you can rent bikes at the site, both manual and electric .

Time for yourself and your family with a stress-free vacation in nature
Lower your pulse and enjoy a relaxing holiday with a good book and a glass of wine on the terrace

Play and have fun in our fantastic playground
Playground for all ages, with trampolines, climbing wall, play tower, mooncars, and much more

Fun on the trampolines - a sure winner
On the site you will find, among other things, the trampolines, which can really get the children away from various screens and at the same time be a gathering place for children and young people.

Table tennis is a great activity
Our table tennis table is outside and is available for free use for all our camping guests. If you don’t have your own table tennis bats, you can borrow both bats and balls at the reception.

In our small shop you will find

Rent a barbecue
Here you’ll find bread, beverages, ice cream, sweets, and chips. During the summer season, our shop is open every day from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

Our Mooncars are a huge hit with the kids. Rent a moon car for half an hour at a time, and it’s a fantastic tool for play.
Get more information at the reception.

Swan water bikes
On hot days, the lake is a fantastic place to cool off. We’ve chosen swans as our water bikes, inviting fun, enjoyment, and movement.

Common room

Latter golf